
Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Mondays mini shop...

I left work a little bit early yesterday to pick up some contact lenses. And before I know it I was in shops that wernt specsavers :s.
It wasnt a big money splerge. Just a couple of things. Along with my contact lenses I got this cute little box to decorate only £1.49 a sweet little floral note book for college or just those times when you need paper 99p and this allotment book which was £5.99, all from The Works.  I havent got an allotment but do have a patch in my back garden that is a mini one. Hehe!!
I have read some of the allotment book and its pretty good! Everything is explained to you in plain english and really easy to read and non-confusing I think I may have some home grown salads and some fresh veg for tea soon!
My mum got me a subscription to cross stitcher and its one the best presents ever. I love this magazine in my opinion I feel like its the best cross stitch magazine on sale! All the designs are up to date and in fashion and I love cross stitching the designs they come up with like the little racoon in the picture below, free with this months edition!!
I got two bunches of beautiful flowers, both only £3 each from lidl!
Also when I got home I had a cream tea waiting for me that my sister had made my mum and I! It was delicious and she used the napkins I bought from John Lewis, they were £4 (I know quite steep, but they are beautiful!).


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